San Diego Child Sex Abuse Victim Attorney

Sex abuse victims have powerful, important legal rights that allow them to hold abusers accountable for their actions, including seeking financial compensation.

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San Diego Attorney for Child Sex Abuse Victims

For survivors of childhood sexual assault, it sometimes takes years — or even decades — to fully realize that they suffered abuse. Thanks to a new bill passed by the California state legislature and signed into law by Governor Gavin Newsom, victims now have a longer period of time allowed before filing a lawsuit. In this post, I will explain the new law and how it affects individuals in California — including people here in the San Diego area — who suffered such harm in their past.

California Assembly Bill No. 218

Previously, survivors of childhood sexual abuse in California were required to file a lawsuit by the time they reach 26 years of age, or within three years of realizing they had suffered the abuse when they were a child. According to a new California law, the statute of limitations on filing a childhood sexual assault lawsuit has been increased. Now, as a result of these changes, the window to file a lawsuit has been widened. The details of the changes to the statute of limitations include:

  • Survivors may now file lawsuits up until they are 40 years of age
  • Adults who have recently discovered or realized abuse they suffered as children have five years to sue
  • Abuse survivors have a three-year window starting in January 2020 during which abuse claims that have already passed the previous statute of limitations period in which to pursue a lawsuit
  • If it is determined that any organization or public entities attempted to cover up the abuse allegations, the court is allowed to award triple the amount of damages

These new elements of state law have been met with praise from abuse survivors and child safety advocates and were referenced across social media under the hashtag “#AB218.” The new bill, which officially went into effect on January 1, 2020, provides new opportunities for victims of childhood abuse to take action and seek justice for the pain they have suffered.

Legal Options for Survivors of Abuse

For those who suffered childhood sexual abuse, the new law can give them a chance to take an important step toward finding some type of closure and healing for the damage that was done to them as children, sometimes at the hand of people at schools, religious authority figures, or anyone else who may regularly come in contact with young children.

With the window for filing lawsuits being open for a longer period of time, more victims can now step forward and pursue the fair legal treatment to which they are rightfully entitled.

How an Attorney Can Help

If you have been carrying the scars of sexual abuse you suffered as a child, or if you have recently come to the realization that you were abused years or even decades ago, you don’t have to remain silent or deal with this situation alone anymore. There is knowledgeable and professional legal assistance available to you. At The Law Office of Elliott Kanter, from your initial consultation and filing your lawsuit all the way through to the completion of your case, you can rely on the compassionate guidance of experienced and highly trained legal representation.

Hiring an Abuse Victim Attorney in San Diego

As experienced personal injury attorneys, we make it a focus to stand up for individuals who have been the victims of abuse and fight for their rights. We provide not only a sympathetic ear to hear their individual story and offer legal counsel, but also aggressive services to help them make their voice heard and seek justice. If you are in the San Diego, California area and need legal representation, contact The Law Office of Elliott Kanter today and schedule a free consultation.

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